Land, Building
Zadar, Gaženica
858,00 m2 214 500 €
Land, Building
Zadar-okolica, Molat
3 031,00 m2 109 000 €
Land, Building
Pašman, Dobropoljana
941,00 m2 75 280 €
Land, Building
3 107,00 m2 233 025 €
Land, Building
1 758,00 m2 299 000 €
Land, Building
1 732,00 m2 89 000 €
Land, Building
589,00 m2 60 000 €
Land, Building
Zadar, Bokanjac
1 077,00 m2 107 700 €
Land, Building
1 300,00 m2 260 000 €
Land, Building
803,00 m2 112 000 €
Land, Building
Zadar-okolica, Petrčane
491,00 m2 98 200 €
Land, Building
Zadar, Bokanjac
901,00 m2 93 500 €
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